Refugee Crisis

President Obama recently addressed the nation regarding the Syrian refugee crisis across the world. He has even called for the United States to allow 10,000 refugee’s into our borders.

This of course was met with combatants. Every single Republican running for presidential office said they were against this decision for issues of safety. In fact majority of the nation’s state Govenors have said their state will not allow refugee’s to access their sate. Below is a map of the updated states who are rejecting access to Syrian refugees:


Dr. Ben Carson, said on Facebook “We don’t have the resources to vet them..”  While Former Governor Mike Huckabee said we should refuse access to any refugee from an ISIS infected area.

This issue has very rapidly become a serious issue that once again divides our nation down the middle. I once again see those muddy waters crashing against the shore.

On one end Pres. Obama and his administration believe that America is the leader of the free world and we should be taking care of word-wide issues.

On the other, after the Paris border safety has become an issue of concern.

You can watch Pres.  Obama’s response to the “Republicans” who believes we should refuse access for the refugees—here.

Pres. Obama mocks any law making opponents to vetting the refugees here in the states, and accuses them of using the Paris attacks to propagate their own political agendas. In fact he says “it’s immoral.” You may notice though every time there is gun related travesty, Pres. Obama always pushes stricter gun laws from his own political agenda. Ironic.

This issue is controversial it has even began to leak into the church.

One side argues that as good Samaritans we are called by God to help the man in need on the side of the road—or in this case the Refugees.

On the other side, people often find themselves quoting proverbs and saying that it is unwise at this time. That if we let refugee’s we very possibly could be letting our enemies.

I think as this issue progresses, we are going see a lot more political talk, and more divide among our nations people . I know I am currently on the fence, leaning more towards being wise and defensive of our borders.

I am sure we here more about this in the upcoming debates. Pres. Obama announced on the 22nd of November, that Syrian Refugees could expected in our nations borders as early as January. It will be interesting to see how this plays out seeing our 31 states have banned their borders to  refugee access.


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